Nnizer: Swap Insertion Solver
A lot of quantum chips have connectivity constraints. For instance two-qubit gates may only be applicable between some pairs of qubits, but not all.
This module provides a plugin which solves the SWAP insertion problem, i.e the problem of inserting SWAPs into a circuit to fit it into any hardware topology.
This plugin is contained in the class Nnizer
, which
will add SWAP gates in a circuit to make it compliant with the connectivity
constraints of a hardware. The specifications of a hardware (including
connectivity constraints / topology) are defined by an instance of the class
The following example defines a QPU which has a limited connectivity. The
use of the Nnizer
plugin transforms this QPU into
a QPU accepting any circuit:
from qat.plugins import QuameleonPlugin
from qat.qpus import LinAlg
from qat.core import HardwareSpecs, Topology, TopologyType
from qat.plugins import Nnizer
# Defines a QPU with a limited connectivity (LNN connectivity)
specs = HardwareSpecs(topology=Topology(type=TopologyType.LNN))
qpu = QuameleonPlugin(specs=specs) | LinAlg()
# The 'qpu' object is a QPU with a limited connectivity.
# Adding the Nnizer plugin remove the connectivity constraint
# by solving the "swap insertion problem". Circuits processed by
# the Nnizer have a connectivity compliant with the QPU
final_qpu = Nnizer() | qpu
from qat.lang.AQASM import Program
from qat.lang.AQASM.qftarith import QFT
# Define a All to All circuit (not compliant with LNN constraints)
prog = Program()
qbits = prog.qalloc(3)
prog.apply(QFT(3), qbits)
job = prog.to_circ(inline=True).to_job()
# Submit to QPU
result = final_qpu.submit(job)
# Sending circuit directly to the QPU may raise an error
from qat.comm.exceptions.ttypes import PluginException
except PluginException as exception:
print("The job (not processed by the Nnizer) can't be " +
"executed by the QPU:\n" + exception.message)
The job (not processed by the Nnizer) can't be executed by the QPU:
Hardware topology does not support [2, 0] interactions
Jupyter notebook Satisfying Connectivity Constaint
explains how to use the Nnizer
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