Qaptiva 800s documentation
Qaptiva 800 series is the Quantum Appliance developed by Eviden. This appliance replaces the Quantum Learning Machine (QLM), any code written on a Quantum Learning Machine
remains executable on Qaptiva 800s. Qaptiva 800s provides the qat
library (for Qaptiva Application Toolset), which includes:
a powerful semantic for writing quantum algorithms (i.e. gate-based programming, analog programming, or quantum annealing programming)
a versatile execution stack for running quantum jobs, including an easy handling of observables, special tools for carrying NISQ-oriented variational methods (such as VQE, QAOA), an easy API for designing custom plugins (e.g. transpilers), as well as for connecting to any Quantum Processing Unit (QPU)
advanced compilers to transpile a quantum circuit, to make it run on any QPU Hardware
Virtual environment in Qaptiva v1.10
Since Qaptiva version 1.10, Qaptiva software is delivered to support multiple versions of Python (3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12). Users can choose which Python version they want to use. To do so, the use of virtual environment is highly recommended to ensure the software functions properly. The “workon” command is useful for creating and managing these environments, providing isolation and manageability of project dependencies. For detailed instructions, please refer to the workon section of the documentation.