Extending a QPU (by using Plugins)

The QAT (for Qaptiva Application Toolset) library defines a concept, named Plugin, designed to extend the capabilities of a QPU. In this framework, QPUs can execute jobs to return a result. This simple behavior reaches its limits when manipulating advanced jobs, using a QPU not capable of executing the job (e.g. limited qubits connectivity, limited gate set, etc.)

Use case

I want to execute a variational job (e.g. a VQE algorithm) on a QPU which does not support observable measurement. Moreover, my job needs to be transpiled to be executed on my QPU.

How to execute a such job?

I can use plugins to extend my QPU. My improved QPU will:

  • compile any incoming job

  • execute variational jobs (e.g. my QPU will use scipy to find the optimal value for any abstract variable)

  • support observable measurement (e.g. incomming jobs will be decomposed into a list of sample jobs, and by post-processing their result, my QPu will return an averable value)

Plugins are objects that can process a flow of quantum jobs on their way to a QPU, and/or process a flow of information (samples or values) on their way back from a QPU.

Their API is composed of two methods:

  • compile for the way in (i.e from the user to the QPU). This method will take a Batch together with some HardwareSpecs and return a new Batch.

  • post_process for the way out (i.e from the QPU to the user). This method will process a BatchResult and return either a BatchResult or a new Batch that should go back to the QPU.

This simple semantics allow to compose Plugin to form expressive compilation stacks and extend the features provided by a QPU. Creating a stack using plugins is quite straightforward:

my_stack = plugin1 | plugin2 | .. | my_qpu

In this code, when a fresh batch or job is submitted, the batch will run through the compile of plugin1, the resulting batch will run through the compile of plugin2, etc. When reaching my_qpu the execution will start, and the results will be processed in reversed order on their way back.

Overall the information flow can be summed up as follows:


Plugins can be used to perform a wide range of transformation, our library provides a set of plugins defined in qat.plugins module but one can define its own plugin

Creating a remote Plugin and accessing it

Any Plugin defined in our framework can be started in server mode, and can be accessed using myQLM or from any other Qaptiva Appliance, using a synchronous connection. This section explains the creation of a server and also how to connect to a remote Plugin


Qaptiva Access provides advanced tools to create dynamically remote Plugins (and even more) and access it remotely, using an asynchronous connection

Any plugin has a method serve() to start this plugin in server mode. This method takes the PORT and the IP as arguments. For instance:

from qat.plugins import Remap

# Define a PORT and a IP
PORT = 1234
IP = "*"

# Define a plugin
plugin = Remap()
plugin.serve(PORT, IP)

If a distant plugin is started in server mode, our framework can be used as client of a connection. Assuming the server is listening to the port 1234 and the ip of the server is, RemotePlugin can be used to connect to this server:

from qat.plugins import RemotePlugin

# Define PORT and IP
PORT = 1234
IP = ""

# Define a client
plugin = RemotePlugin(PORT, IP)


The connection is synchronous, therefore, if the client is disconnected during the pre-processing or the post-processing, result of the execution is lost

A Plugin can re-submit batches to the QPU, nevertheless, the QAT library provides a subtype of plugin, called Junction, providing a more convenient API to design plugins resubmitting jobs sequentially (e.g. a plugin optimizing angles of a variational job)


A plugin can post-process a result. Then, the batch returned by the compilation step may not be equal to the initial batch (the post-process method can be used to repair a result, to return the expected result to the user)

Make your own plugin
Make you own junction
Getting information from the QPU