Getting information from the QPU

QPUs define a set of specifications, stored in an object of type HardwareSpecs, which can be retrieved by get_specs(). This set of specification defines what could be executed on the QPU, for instance:

  • the number of qubits composing the QPU

  • the topology of the QPU (i.e. pair of qubits on which a two qubit gate can be applied - this attribute is a graph of type Topology)

  • the gateset of the QPU (i.e. supported gates)

  • the processing types (i.e. if the QPU support SAMPLE measurement, OBSERVABLE measurement, or both)

  • the description of the QPU

  • any meta_data that the QPU provides to the user, which can be any custom data, represented in a dictionary that maps strings to strings

These specifications can be used by plugins to adapt their compilation stage, to target the QPU

Creating custom specifications

This sections provides an example explaning how to create custom hardware specs. In this example, will will consider a QPU capable of executing RX, RZ and CNOT gates. CNOT gates can only be applied between few pairs of qubits defined by the topology below. This QPU is assumed to support SAMPLE measurement


This topology can be created using networkx and casted into a Topology:

import networkx as nx
from qat.core import Topology

graph = nx.Graph([(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 4)])
topology = Topology.from_nx(graph)

The gate-set can be defined using gates defined in qat.lang:

from qat.core.gate_set import GateSet
from qat.lang import RX, RZ, CNOT

gateset = GateSet({"RX": RX, "RZ": RZ, "CNOT": CNOT})

Now, hardware specifications can be merged into a single object:

from qat.core import HardwareSpecs
from qat.comm.shared.ttypes import ProcessingType

my_specs = HardwareSpecs(nbqbits=5, topology=topology, gateset=gateset, processing_types=[ProcessingType.SAMPLE],
                         description="Example of QPU specs", meta_data={ "last calibration date": "2024-03-18 15:50:00" })