CNOT + RZ circuit synthesis


Phase polynomials are another quite standard class of unitary operators that can be efficiently represented and manipulated. They exactly capture unitary operators implementable using only CNOT and RZ gates. The circuits generate operators of the form:

\(|x\rangle \mapsto e^{2i\pi f(x)}|Ax\rangle\)

where \(A\) is a linear map (as described in the previous section) and \(f\) is a phase polynomial:

\(f(x) = \sum_{y\in\mathbb{F}_2^n} \hat{f}(y).(x_1 y_1 \oplus ... \oplus x_n y_n)\)

with fourier coefficients \(\hat{f}(y) \in \mathbb{R}\).

These operators can be represented by their support \(\{y | \hat{f}(y) \neq 0\}\), the value of their coefficients on their support, and, if it is not trivial, the final linear operator \(A\).


Synthopline provides a function qat.synthopline.phase_polynomial_synthesis() to synthesize a phase polynomial described as a dictionary mapping elements of the support of \(f\) to the value of their fourier coefficients.

Let us try to synthesize a phase polynomial with abstract values for the angles. For the sake of demonstration, we will call the synthesis algorithm with and without including the synthesis of the final linear operator.

import numpy as np
from qat.synthopline import phase_polynomial_synthesis
from qat.core import Variable

phase_pol = {
    (0, 1, 1): Variable("a"),
    (0, 0, 1): Variable("b"),
    (1, 1, 1): Variable("c"),

circuit, table = phase_polynomial_synthesis(
    phase_pol, method="gray_synth", synthesize_final=False
print("Circuit has variables:", circuit.get_variables())
print("Without fixing the final parities:")
for op in circuit.iterate_simple():

circuit, table = phase_polynomial_synthesis(
    phase_pol, method="gray_synth", synthesize_final=True
print("Fixing the final parities:")
for op in circuit.iterate_simple():
Circuit has variables: ['a', 'b', 'c']
Without fixing the final parities:
('PH', [<qat.core.variables.Variable object at 0x153c32edeee0>], [2])
('CNOT', [], [1, 2])
('PH', [<qat.core.variables.Variable object at 0x153c32edeee0>], [2])
('CNOT', [], [0, 2])
('PH', [<qat.core.variables.Variable object at 0x153c32edeee0>], [2])
Fixing the final parities:
('PH', [<qat.core.variables.Variable object at 0x153c32edef70>], [2])
('CNOT', [], [1, 2])
('PH', [<qat.core.variables.Variable object at 0x153c32edef70>], [2])
('CNOT', [], [0, 2])
('PH', [<qat.core.variables.Variable object at 0x153c32edef70>], [2])
('CNOT', [], [1, 2])
('CNOT', [], [0, 2])

This method can also use a qubit connectivity graph to synthesize an architecture compliant circuit:

import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from qat.synthopline import phase_polynomial_synthesis
from qat.core import Variable
from qat.devices import RIGETTI_ASPEN

aspen = RIGETTI_ASPEN.as_graph()

phase_pol = {
    tuple(np.random.choice([0, 1], replace=True, size=16).tolist()): Variable("a_{}".format(i))
    for i in range(10)

circuit_gs, _ = phase_polynomial_synthesis(
    phase_pol, method="gray_synth_on_graph", synthesize_final=False,
circuit_ls3, _ = phase_polynomial_synthesis(
    phase_pol, method="lazy_synth", synthesize_final=False,
    graph=aspen, depth=3
    "Cnot count with gray_synth on graph:",
    sum(1 if op[0] == "CNOT" else 0 for op in circuit_gs.iterate_simple())
    "Cnot count with lazy_synth (depth 3):",
    sum(1 if op[0] == "CNOT" else 0 for op in circuit_ls3.iterate_simple())

  4 -- 3         12 -- 11
 /      \       /        \
5        2 -- 13          10
|        |     |          |
6        1 -- 14          9
 \      /       \        /
  7 -- 0         15 -- 8
Cnot count with gray_synth on graph: 140
Cnot count with lazy_synth (depth 3): 112

Conveniently, qat.synthopline also provides a method to extract phase polynomials out of a CNOT + RZ circuit: qat.synthopline.phase_polynomials.extract_phase_polynomial().

This can be used to check circuits after synthesis:

import numpy as np
from qat.synthopline import phase_polynomial_synthesis
from qat.core import Variable

phase_pol = {
    (0, 1, 1): Variable("a"),
    (0, 0, 1): np.pi,
    (1, 1, 1): 0.3432

circuit, table = phase_polynomial_synthesis(
    phase_pol, method="gray_synth", synthesize_final=False

from qat.synthopline.phase_polynomials import extract_phase_polynomial

phase_pol_2, _ = extract_phase_polynomial(circuit)

for key in phase_pol_2:
    assert key in phase_pol
    assert phase_pol_2[key] == phase_pol[key]

The method qat.synthopline.phase_polynomials.random_phase_polynomial() provides a basic interface to quickly generate random phase polynomials.