Interoperability with annealing framework
One can translate from the presented problem formulations, namely Ising, QUBO and Combinatorial problem to a Binary Quadratic Model as specified by DWave’s library dimod
. This is achived by simply calling the method to_bqm()
of Ising
(or the respective to_bqm()
and to_bqm()
for QUBO
and CombinatorialProblem
import numpy as np
from qat.opt import Ising
# Specify the Ising problem
problem_size = 5 # number of qubits
h_field = np.random.rand(problem_size) # Magnetic field h
# J-coupling matrix
any_mat = np.random.rand(problem_size, problem_size)
j_mat = ((any_mat + np.transpose(any_mat)) / 2 # make it symmetric
- np.diag(np.diag(any_mat))) # make it with 0s as the diagonal elements
# Offset - can be 0
offset = 2.18
# Create an Ising problem
problem_Ising = Ising(J=j_mat, h=h_field, offset_i=offset)
# Translate to DWave's Binary Quadratic Model
bqm_problem = problem_Ising.to_bqm()
This method also works for the NP-Hard problems encoded on Qaptiva, for example:
# import required libraries
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from qat.opt import VertexCover
# Specify the problem
graph = nx.Graph()
graph.add_edges_from([(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 4), (0, 5), (1, 5)])
# Impose constraints for proper encoding
B = 1
A = B + 0.01
# Create problem
vertex_cover_problem = VertexCover(graph, A=A, B=B)
# Translate to DWave's Binary Quadratic Model
bqm_problem = vertex_cover_problem.to_bqm()