
class qat.opt.Ising(J, h, offset_i=0, **kwargs)

Class representing Ising problems.

The class allows for the representation of a problem in the Ising framework - by providing with a symmetric coupling matrix \(J\) with zero diagonal elements, magnetic field \(h\) and an Ising offset energy \(E_I\), all of which coming from the respective Hamiltonian encoding,

\[H = - s^T J s - h^T s - E_I\]

where \(s\) is the spin vector we look for with values \(\{-1,1\}\), such that \(H\) is minimum.

The class can also translate from an Ising problem to a QUBO problem through to_qubo() by returning a QUBO object.

Ising problems can be translated to a CombinatorialProblem object via to_combinatorial_problem().

Similarly to QUBO and CombinatorialProblem, this class inherits from the CircuitGenerator class, thus is able to generate QAOA-Ansätze.

  • J (2D numpy array) – a symmetric array with zero diagonal elements for the coupling between each two spins - it represents the \(J\) matrix from the Hamiltonian of the problem

  • h (1D numpy array) – an array with the magnetic field acting on each of the spins, coming from the Hamiltonian of the problem

  • offset_i (optional, double) – the value of the Ising offset energy in the respective Hamiltonian

aqo_job(tmax=None, mixing=None, **kwargs)

Generates an Adiabatic Quantum Optimization (AQO) job performing a linear interpolation between an initial mixing Hamiltonian and the problem’s Hamiltonian.

classmethod decode_rydberg(job, result)

Returns the MWIS simulation result of the input graph.

  • job (Job) – generated job

  • result (Result) – result of the simulation of the crossing lattice graph.


MWIS simulation result of the input graph.

Return type


static decode_rydberg_meta_data(meta_data: dict, result)

Returns the MWIS simulation result of the input graph.

  • meta_data (dict[str, str]) – generated job meta_data

  • result (Result) – result of the simulation of the crossing lattice graph


MWIS simulation result of the input graph

Return type



Dumps the ising in a binary file (.circ)


fname (str) – the file name

classmethod from_thrift(tobject)

Builds an Ising object out of a thrift Ising object. Does so in place.


A method returning a dictionary with the best annealing parameters found thus far after benchmarking for the respective Ising problem. If the method is called directly from the parent Ising class and not from one of the child problem classes (e.g. MaxCut, NumberPartitioning, etc.), it will raise an exception.


This method returns the \(J\) coupling matrix, the magnetic field \(h\) and Ising energy offset, which define the Ising object.


3-element tuple containing

  • J (2D numpy array) - a symmetric array with zero diagonal elements for the

    coupling between each two spins - it represents the \(J\) matrix from the Hamiltonian of the problem

  • h (1D numpy array) - an array with the magnetic field acting on each of the

    spins, coming from the Hamiltonian of the problem

  • offset_i (double) - the value of the Ising offset energy in the respective



Returns an ising- or a terms-type of Observable from the Ising problem. If a ‘terms’ Observable is chosen, the Ising problem will first be translated to a CombinatorialProblem.


obs_type (string) –

The type of Observable to be returned: 'ising' or 'terms'.

  • 'ising' observables can be used to create a Schedule (by also proving gamma_t if SQAQPU will be used) and consecutively produce a Job to be sent for Simulated Quantum Annealing.

  • 'terms' observables can be used for gate-based quantum computations with a Circuit or analog quantum computations, also with a Schedule.


an Ising Observable or an Observable with terms representing the problem

Return type


property j_coupling_matrix

The J-coupling of the Ising Hamiltonian as a symmetric numpy 2D array with zero diagonal elements.

classmethod load(fname)

Loads an ising from a binary file.


fname (str) – the file name


an ising object

Return type


property magnetic_field_h

The magnetic field h of the Ising Hamiltonian as a numpy 1D array

qaoa_job(depth, cnots=True, strategy='coloring', to_circ_args=None, **kwargs)

Generates a QAOA Ansatz Job for gate-based computations using the cost observable returned by the abstract method get_observable.


When setting the cnots option to False, the circuit might make use of generalized many-qubits Z rotations. In that case, you might want to instantiate your variational plugins using a gate set that contains definition of these gates. If not, some matrices in the circuit structure will be missing and some QPUs may not be able to handle the circuit.

The following piece of code should allow you to link the correct gate set to a variational plugin:

from qat.plugins import ScipyMinimizePlugin
from qat.vsolve.ansatz import get_qaoa_gate_set

# This plugin will no be able to bind variables inside a
# job generated with cnot set to False!
my_plugin = ScipyMinimizePlugin()

# This plugin can now be used with job generated with the
# cnots option sets to False!
my_plugin = ScipyMinimizePlugin(gate_set=get_qaoa_gate_set())
  • depth (int) – the depth of the Ansatz

  • strategy (str) – the strategy to adopt to generate the circuit. Possible strategies are “default” or “coloring”. The “coloring” strategy uses a greedy coloring heuristics to try to optimize the overall depth of the Ansatz. Default is “default” which synthesize the circuit without optimizing the term ordering.

  • cnots (optional, bool) – If set to True the Ansatz will only use CNOT gates. If set to False, some abstract gates will be used to generate collective pauli rotations, resulting in a lower gate count. Defaults to True.

  • **kwargs – optional arguments that will be transfered to the job’s constructor (e.g nbshots, etc).


a Qaptiva job, ready to run

Return type


ryd_job(optimize=True, time_budget_sec=3, tmax=10, **kwargs)

Returns a ryd-type job for the Ising problem - ready to run with the AnalogQPU

  • optimize (bool) – if True, the node overhead will be reduced.

  • time_budget_sec (float) – time budget allocated for the core part of the optimization function.

  • tmax (float) – time duration of the adiabatic simulation.


a ryd-type job ready to run on an analog QPU.

Return type


sqa_job(gamma_t=None, tmax=1.0, **kwargs)

Returns a sqa-type of Job for the problem - ready to run with SQAQPU.

  • tmax (float, optional) – time duration of the annealing. Default is 1.

  • gamma_t (ArithExpression, optional) – a function specifying the time dependence of Gamma. It should be produced using the variable ‘t’ created by the class Variable.


a ready to run sqa-type of Job for the problem

Return type



For the supported NP problems, some well performing max and min Gamma (for a linearly decreasing gamma_t) have been found and could be accessed via the method get_best_parameters of the respective problem class.


Transforms an Ising problem to DWave’s Binary Quadratic Model from the library dimod.


a BinaryQuadraticModel object

Return type



Translates the Ising problem into a CombinatorialProblem.


a combinatorial problem instance

Return type


to_job(job_type, *args, **kwargs)

A general method allowing the creation of an aqo-, qaoa- or sqa-type of Job from a problem description - ready to run on the respective QPU.

  • 'aqo' is for Adiabatic Quantum Optimization (with analog QPUs). Internally, method aqo_job() is used to generate the job.

  • 'qaoa' is for using the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (with gate-based QPUs). Internally, method qaoa_job() is used to generate the job.

  • 'sqa' is for Simulated Quantum Annealing (with SQAQPU). Internally, method sqa_job() is used to generate the job.

  • 'ryd' is for Rydberg (with AnalogQPU). Internally, method ryd_job() is used to generate the job.


a ready to run Job for the respective type of problem

Return type



Translates the Ising problem into a QUBO problem.


a QUBO object

Return type