
The functions in this module allow the investigation of some more general properties of analog simulations which would be unattainable by physical QPUs. These comprise obtaining the density matrix \(\rho\) at the end of a Hamiltonian evolution or extracting the superoperator \(S\) enclosing the action of the whole Hamiltonian on any initial state. For the second case, once the superoperator is computed, it can be readily converted to a Pauli transfer matrix (PTM) and enter the respective QuantumChannelPTM for a noisy gate-based simulation.


The functions here come with a computational and memory requirements scaling exponentially with the size of the system. Caution should be taken when using them for a Hamiltonian evolution constiting of more than a few qubits.


Computing the density matrix at the end of an analog simulation


Computing the superoperator for the whole analog simulation, i.e. tomography on the respective schedule


Converting a superoperator to a PTM representation, ready to enter a QuantumChannelPTM for noisy gate-based simulation