Writing patterns


If your pattern works for GraphCircuit, you can use this pattern for PatternManager and vice versa.

A pattern is a list of gates. A gate is composed of:

  • name: name of the gate

  • qubits: list of qubits on which the gate acts

  • parameters (optional): some gates are defined by parameters, such as rotation angles

A gate is defined by a tuple of 2 or more arguments. For instance, the following gate can be used in a pattern definition:

from math import pi

# H gate
H_gate = ("H", [0])

# PH gate
PH_gate = ("PH", [0], pi / 2)

Parameters in pattern:

Parameters can be added to the pattern. For instance, GraphCircuit may replace all \(R_Z(\pi)\) by a \(Z\) gate.

# Import pi
from numpy import pi

# Define two patterns
left_pattern = [("RZ", [0], pi)]
right_pattern = [("Z", [0])]

# Replace all patterns
while graph.replace_pattern(left_pattern, right_pattern):

In our example, all \(R_Z(\pi)\) gates are replaced by a \(Z\) gate. Our pattern is only matching with a gate having the same parameter \(\pi\). The use of abstract variable can be useful to match a pattern with any parameter. The class VAR is used to match with any parameter. For instance, the following code is used to merge two rotation gates using abstract parameters. The rule is \(R_Z(x) - R_Z(y) = R_Z(x + y)\).

# Import VAR
from qat.pbo import VAR

# Create VAR objects
x = VAR()
y = VAR()

# Define two patterns
left_pattern = [("RZ", [0], x), ("RZ", [0], y)]
right_pattern = [("RZ", [0], x + y)]

# Replace all patterns
while graph.replace_pattern(left_pattern, right_pattern):

In the previous example, any rotation will match with the abstract variable.

Moreover, an abstract variable can be used several times in the same pattern. The following code is used to remove patterns \(R_Z(x) - R_Z(-x)\).

# Import VAR
from qat.pbo import VAR

# Create VAR objects
x = VAR()

# Define two patterns
left_pattern = [("RZ", [0], x), ("RZ", [0], -x)]
right_pattern = []

# Replace all patterns
while graph.replace_pattern(left_pattern, right_pattern):

You can apply any function on your abstract variable, but the function should be casted into a function accepting abstract variables. The method qat.pbo.VAR.add_function() can be used to cast any function into a function accepting abstract variables:

# Import VAR
from qat.pbo import VAR
from math import pi

# Define function to update the angle
def update_angle(angle):
    while angle > pi:
        angle -= 2 * pi

    while angle < -pi:
        angle += 2 * pi

    return angle

# Define pattern
x = VAR()
y = VAR()

left_pattern = [("RZ", [0], x), ("RZ", [0], y)]
right_pattern = [("RZ", [0], update_angle(x + y))]


When you use an instance of PatternManager, each pattern can be a left-hand side pattern. If the pattern cannot be a left hand-side pattern (i.e. if this pattern does not respect constraints of a left-hand side pattern), this pattern will never be replaced.

If you use variables for the left-hand side pattern, the optimizer should be able to set trivially a value for each parameter. A VAR object is either a root or a formula:

  • if the variable is created using the default constructor (i.e. the code used is my_var = VAR()), the variable is a root.

  • otherwise, if the variable is created using an expression (i.e. the code used looks like my_var = f(x_1, ...)), the variable is a formula. In our example, our formula depends on x_1, ....

The optimizer can set trivially a value for each parameter if and only if each root parameter from which the pattern depends appears in the pattern. For instance, the following code defines compliant left-hand side patterns and not compliant ones.

# Import
from qat.pbo import VAR
from math import log

# Create VAR object
x = VAR()
log_var = VAR.add_function(log)

# Accepted pattern (left_pattern)
[("RZ", [0], -x), ("RZ", [0], x)]
[("RZ", [0], log_var(x)), "RZ", [0], x)]

# Not accepted pattern (left_pattern)
[("RZ", [0], log_var(x))] # The optimizer will not be able to set a value
                          # to x
[("RZ", [0], -x)] # The optimizer will not be able to set a value to x
                  # -x is seen as f(x) by the optimizer

Some values may be prohibited. For instance, if a hardware accepts only \(R_X(x), \; \forall x \in \{ \pm \pi ; \pm \frac{\pi}{2} \}\), then other \(R_X\) gates have to be replaced. To perform these changes, some values are going to be prohibited.

# Import
from qat.pbo import VAR
from numpy import pi

# Define a VAR object
prohibited_values = [pi, -pi, pi/2, -pi/2]
x = VAR()

# Prohibit values
for angle in prohibited_values:

# Define two patterns
left_pattern = [("RX", [0], x)]
right_pattern = [("H", [0]), ("RZ", [0], x), ("H", [0])]

# Replace all patterns
while graph.replace_pattern(left_pattern, right_pattern):

In our example, the left-hand side pattern will match with any "RX" having an angle different from \(\pm \pi\) and \(\pm \frac{\pi}{2}\).

Qubits of a gate:

The qubits of a gate are defined by a list or a set of integers. In most of the cases, the order of the qubits is very important, so a list must be used. In few cases, the order of qubits does not matter (for instance, a SWAP gate acting on qubit 0 and 1 is equal to a SWAP gate acting on qubit 1 and 0). If the order of qubits does not matter, please use a set.

When the qubits are defined by a set, the complexity of searching a pattern is multiplied by \(q!\) (where \(q\) is the number of qubits) so please try limit the number of set is the pattern.

# Non-optimal left pattern
[("SWAP", {0, 1}), ("SWAP", {0, 1})]

# Optimal left pattern
[("SWAP", {0, 1}), ("SWAP", [0, 1])]

In our example, the two patterns are equivalent but since the second pattern uses only one set, searching the second pattern is faster than searching the first one.

If a gate can be used for different arities (e.g. a QFT can be used for any size of register), you can use AbstractRegister to match with any size of register. The use of an abstract register increases the complexity. By default, abstract registers are disjoint.


The use of AbstractRegister is only working for GraphCircuit. Using an abstract register with PatternManager raises errors.

Name of a gate:

A gate is defined using the name of the gate. In our pattern data model, the name is a string. One can add prefix to this gate to control or to get the dagger of this gate. For instance, the gate "PH" is a phase gate, the gate "C-PH" is a controlled phase gate. The following prefixes are defined:

  • "C-" - controlled gate

  • "D-" - dagger of the gate

  • "T-" - transposed gate

  • "S-" - conjugated gate


"C-X" will not match with "CNOT". If a gate has a name, the name will not be decomposed. "CNOT" is a correct name, so the name will not be decomposed into "C-X".

Regular expressions could be used to match any gates. For instance, a user may want to merge two controlled phase gates:

from qat.pbo import GateName, AbstractRegister, VAR

# Define name
ctrl_phase = GateName("(C-)*PH")
register = AbstractRegister()
x = VAR()
y = VAR()

# Define left and right patterns
left_pattern = [(ctrl_phase, register, x), (ctrl_phase, register, y]
right_pattern = [(ctrl_phase, register, x + y)]