
The qat.pbo module, for Pattern Based Optimization, provides an interface to efficiently manipulate quantum circuit via rule-based rewriting.

A dedicated section, in user guide, explains the rewriting quantum circuits mechanism.

Automated rewriting

This module provides automated rules to rewrite circuits

These decompositions can be used with KAKCompression, collections are designed to be used with PatternManager

List of decompositions is returned by list_decompositions()


List available decompositions

Defining patterns

Some structure are designed to simplify the definition of a pattern


Register placeholder, to define a pattern


Gate name placeholder, to define a pattern


Variable placeholder, to define a pattern

Manipulating patterns

GraphCircuit provides an API to replace manually a pattern present in a circuit by an equivalent pattern

PatternGroup defines a group of equivalent pattern. This group can be used as input of PatternManager to replace automatically patterns in a circuit


A low-level circuit rewriter


Group of equivalent patterns