Abstract plugin
This module provides an abstract plugin class from which inherit most of our compilers. Classes inheriting from this class
should override the compile_circuit()
Abstract plugin class |
Synthesis methods
Generate Trotter Ansatz |
Linear operator synthesis |
Phase polynomila synthesis |
Operator extraction
Extract linear operator |
Extract phase polynomial |
Extract Pauli rotations |
Random generation methods
Random linear operator |
Random observable |
Random phase polynomial |
Frequency mapping |
Greedy mapping |
Utility methods
Codiagonalize with architecture |
Synthesize stabilizer state |
Conjugate observable tableau |
Some compilers introduced in this module use a low level representation of Clifford operators called Tableaux. Our Tableau implementation is based on [dB12] (specialized for qubits). The corresponding class is a C++ object published in python via pybind11:
Operator tableau |
This class interacts closely with another class used to represent Weyl operators:
Weyl operator |